On this auspicious day of Srimati Radharani's appearance, I simply like to share this beautiful Bhajan written by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur with all of you. May we all be able to attract Srimati Radharani's causeless mercy - only by her grace, we may one day attain the Lotus feet of Sri Krishna.
Shri Radha-Bhajana Mahima
Glorification of Worship to Shri Radha
radha-bhajane yadi mati nahi bhela
krishna-bhajana taba akarana gela (1)
If the desire to serve Shrimati Radhika does not appear in my heart, then my worship of Krishna is simply useless.
atapa-rahita suraya nahi jani
radha-virahita madhava nahi mani (2)
Just as the sun cannot be perceived without sunlight, in the same way I do not recognize Madhava without Radha.
kevala madhava pujaye, so ajnani
radha-anadara karai abhimani (3)
Those who worship Madhava alone are ignorant; they simply neglect Shrimati Radhika out of their mundane pride.
kabahi nahi karabi takara sanga
citte icchasi yadi vraja-rasa-ranga (4)
Don’t ever associate with such persons if you desire the loving playfulness of vrajarasa to appear in your heart.
radhika-dasi yadi haya abhimana
shigrai milai taba gokula-kana (5)
If you develop pride in being Shrimati Radhika’s exclusive maidservant, then very quickly you will meet Gokula Kana.
brahma, shiva, narada, shruti, narayani
radhika-pada-raja pujaye mani (6)
Brahma, Shiva, Narada, the Shruti-cari rishis and Narayani honor and worship the dust of Shrimati Radhika’s lotus feet.
uma, rama, satya, shaci, candra, rukmini
radha avatara sabe - amnaya-vani (7)
Our revealed scriptures, declare that Uma, Rama, Satya, Shaci, Candravali and Rukmini are all Radha’s expansions.
hena radha-paricarya jakara dhana
bhakativinoda ta’ra magaye carana (8)
Bhaktivinoda is begging at the lotus feet of those whose wealth is the service of Shrimati Radharani.
