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Krishna Prema's Food for Thought 2019 # 42 - The Wisdom of A Pencil

Wisdom means realized knowledge. It also means to see the world through the eyes of sastra, sastra caksu, and to act accordingly. Last week we had a program here in Zurich, inspired by ISKCON Londons `Wisdom Wednesday` where we introduced new people to pranayama and mantra meditation. I was invited to deliver a short wisdom talk and I decided to speak about an analogy originally given by H.H. Sacinandana Swami:

A Guru at Devaprayaga, India told his disciple Mohan: „You have not been the quickest of my students, but you have a good heart and I feel you will learn what you need to learn if you think deeply about this pencil“:

Lesson 1: Live in sattva.

“'The pencil teaches you to stop from time to time to sharpen your tools, meaning your mind, body, and spirit. Just as a pencil needs to be sharpened, so we need to sharpen ourselves by spiritual practice. Only then can we become one-pointed enough to give full attention to the Lord.

Regenerate regularly—physically, mentally and spiritually.

Lesson 2: Live your dharma.

“'Second lesson: Don't be afraid to be yourself. Learn to make your own contribution in life with joy. Each pencil has its particular line to draw. This line will become words—specific words—and these words form a unique mission, your own life story. Never be afraid to draw your specific line, live your life.“

Discover and execute your unique mission and purpose.·

Lesson 3: Live in the atma.

“'The pencil teaches you that what is inside is more important than what is outside—in other words, that the soul is more important than the body. When we have a pencil we value the graphite at its center more than the dead wood that surrounds it. Never forget that you are an eternal soul inhabiting a temporary body, just as the graphite and the message it can create inhabit the wood.“

Always remain connected with your deepest self, the soul.·

Lesson 4: Live in a connected to Paramatma

“'Fourth: Whenever you make a mistake, correct it immediately. Every good pencil has an eraser at the end. Whenever one makes a mistake with one end of the pencil, one can immediately erase it with the other end. Learn from the pencil that it is not dishonorable to correct mistakes.

Listen to your conscience and correct mistakes.“

Stay with the higher connection, guided by the paramatma.

Lesson 5: Live in bhakti.

“'Fifth: You may do big things in life, but never forget the hand that guides you. Just as the pencil is never proud, thinking how it has written a book, so we should always give credit to God and strive to become humble and willing instruments by surrendering to His plan.“

Develop your love for God.

An amazing way to look at a pencil, isn’t?!


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